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Bonjour Mademoiselle:
Welcome to the 152nd edition of tranquility du jour: a guide to bringing tranquility to your every day.
Today’s show menu features happenings and musings on creativity with Kelly Rae Roberts.
Workshops + Retreats: Join moi for our next le chic teleclass chat “Shine with Summer Solstice” on June 29 PLUS events around the globe: a decadent retreat to Costa Rica over Memorial Day, hip hop yoga in DC (with a DJ) on Friday, June 5, a summer solstice staycation in DC on June 20, another tranquility-filled week at Kripalu August 9-14, a Living Your Yoga 4-week series in September, and the annual Fall Foliage retreat to the hills of Virginia October 16-18. All the scoop is on my workshops page.
Featured Tranquilista: Kelly Rae Roberts
Kelly Rae Roberts is a mixed media painter, author, and seeker of all things joyous. She is the author of Taking Flight: Inspiration + Techniques to Give Your Creative Spirit Wings, a popular arts + craft book that encompasses all aspects of what it means to live the creative life. Her work has been featured in a variety of mixed media books by her peers and she’s had several articles published in various magazines, including Cloth Paper Scissors, Memory Makers and Somerset Life. Recently, she signed on with Brush Dance Publishing and Demdaco for long term licensing agreements that will showcase her work on cards, journals, magnets, calendars, and decorative wall art in stores nationwide. In essence, Kelly Rae is an artist, author, and all around lover of life who seeks to express a sense of vitality and connectedness in her paintings and writing.
Savvy Sources: http://www.kellyraeroberts.blogspot.com/
Taking Flight: Inspiration + Techniques to Give Your Creative Spirit Wings
Signature Style: Spring has sprung at TranquiliT. Featured “look of the podcast” is the versatile organic bamboo all-in-one wrap dress. All-in-ones purchased during May receive a complimentary Get Your Yoga On CD. Be sure to join the TranquiliT mailing list to get the skinny.
Chic Community: Join our Facebook page. Follow moi on Twitter. Download tranquility du jour on demand. Watch videos on youtube.com/tranquilitydujour.
Au Revoir: To close out the show, we’re playing Destiny Complete by The Angel from Promonet. You can learn more about The Angel at theangelsoundclash.com.
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