Bonjour. Welcome to the 162nd edition of Tranquility du Jour: a guide to bringing tranquility to your every day. Today’s show menu features happenings and creative exploration with Sabrina Ward Harrison.
Tranquility Tip: How do geese know when to fly to the sun? Who tells them the seasons? How do we, humans know when it is time to move on? As with the migrant birds, so surely with us, there is a voice within if only we would listen to it, that tells us certainly when to go forth into the unknown. – Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
Reflect on what this new fall season means to you. What do you want to see unfold?
Workshops + Retreats:
Annual Fall Foliage retreat to the hills of Virginia October 16-18 and
Tranquil Space 10-year birthday bash on October 30. Consider the 3rd annual New Year’s Gala on January 9, 4th annual Hip Tranquil Chick retreat March 26-28, and a week long sojourn to lush Costa Rica May 29-June 5. All the scoop is on
my workshops page.
Featured Tranquilista:
Creative pioneer, Sabrina Ward Harrison has been sharing her life through a vivid interplay of artwork, photography, writing and video.Sabrina’s authentic approach to life & art has encouraged people all over the world to come from a place of honest expression and what Sabrina likes to call…True Living.
Two years ago I ended up in a field of grass hip high.This is where I began to make the body work that has come to be called The True Living Project. The entire True Living Project consists of 68 site~specific lifetime collaborative projects. She has recently returned to New York after 2 years spent along the Central California coast living in a historic One Room School house taking manya bath outside. she left with 23 cents.
hold strong to, that, “we must create what we most need to find.”
‘As we have barreled deeper and deeper into a technological / result driven 21st century now more than ever I do believe we need to be bought home to the presence of our living. to allow the restful validation of your own tender true humanity, may this work be a living ode to our living. I am striving to create both a visual and emotional unfolding through the textural interchange of photography, sound, collage, film and found objects. As you observe, as you listen may you rest into that place where this moment, and your deepest longing exist.’
Signature Style: Fall fashion has arrived. Featured “Look of the Podcast” is beloved organic bamboo palazzo pants and 2-in-1 flare top. Watch TranquiliT’s
last video featuring oodles of ways to wear.
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Chic Community: Join our Facebook group. Become my Facebook friend. Follow moi on Twitter. Download Tranquility du Jour on demand. Watch bi-weekly Tranquility du Jour TV on Explore mentoring with moi. Peruse my first book Hip Tranquil Chick. Deepen your yoga practice at Tranquil Space. Get your do-gooding on with Tranquil Space Foundation.
Challenge: Send moi photos of you getting your artist date on and I’ll share them with our readers. The most creative artist date photo/write up received by December 21 (the winter solstice) will receive a complimentary CD of my newest Tranquility-to-Go class. Create away + do share!
Omwork: Savor solo time. Indulge in an artist date. Read for pleasure. Get a mani.
Au Revoir: To close out the show, we’re playing Eyes Closed by Blank Blue from promonet. You can learn more about them at
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