tranquility du jour #191: life is a verb

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Welcome to the 191st edition of Tranquility du Jour: A Guide to Bringing Tranquility to your Every Day. Today’s show features happenings and musings on Life is a Verb with Patti Digh.

Tranquilista Lifestyle: Joie de Vivre E-course: Join me for a 7-week e-course focusing on the outlined in Tranquilista. Our six sessions will highlight ways to shape your world with spirituality, do-gooding, creativity, style, and entrepreneurship. Oh, and if you do your OMwork, you get to choose a complimentary TranquiliT piece! Launches June 23.

Workshops + Retreats: Consider joining moi in LA and Portland June 23-28 (details here), a Tranquilista Retreat at Kripalu July 5-9, in August (details to come), and a Yoga Retreat in India November 12-21.

Pose of the Podcast: Baddha Konasana

Featured Tranquilista: Patti Digh
I am an optimist. I am proud to be naïve. I love having great hope in a world that sometimes seems hopeless. I like to laugh. I write a thank you note every morning. I am also quite fond of peonies and the smell of lavender. –Patti Digh

“If the Buddha had two kids, a dog named Blue, and a huge crush on Johnny Depp, his name would be Patti Digh
,” wrote one reviewer. Whatever else she has done and seen and created in her life—circumnavigating the globe on a ship in charge of 600 teenagers, working in a batik factory in Sri Lanka, starting international and diversity divisions for the world’s largest association of human resources professionals, eating lunch with novelist Carlos Fuentes, interviewing Stevie Wonder in her pajamas, traveling to over 60 countries—Patti Digh is most importantly a mom.

Patti is the award-winning author of several business books including Global Literacies, named a Fortune magazine “Best Business Book” for the year 2000. She is also the author of the grassroots bestseller, Life is a Verb: 37 Days to Wake Up, Be Mindful, and Live Intentionally which was a 2008 finalist for the prestigious “Books for a Better Life” award and a nominee for the Southern Independent Booksellers’ Association “Book of the Year.” She has two new books coming out in the fall of 2010: Four-Word Self-Help: simple wisdom for complex lives and Creative is a Verb: if you’re alive, you’re creative. Patti’s blog,, brings together readers from ages 12-95 across the globe.

Patti speaks to audiences all over the world and lives in the beautiful mountain town of Asheville, North Carolina, with her brilliant husband, John Ptak, and their two interesting and curious daughters, Emma and Tess. Patti has a fondness for social justice, Ginger Chews, exclamation points, the word “wee,” children’s artwork, kilts, porch sitting, Mr. Johnny Depp, and Airstream trailers.

Savvy Sources:
Patti’s Blog
Life is a Verb: 37 Days to Wake Up, Be Mindful, and Live Intentionally

How can you play with life as a verb? What would your 37 days look like?

Signature Style: A line of layers in rayon made from organic bamboo. Locally sewn. 150 trees planted each month. Infinity Scarf – wear around your neck, hips, or shoulders.

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Au Revoir: To close out the show, we’re playing Turn by Karmakoda. You can learn more about her music at

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