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Workshops + Retreats: Join moi for a tranquilologie experience.
* 1:1 Mentoring
* DIY Creative + Conscious Business E-course
* Women’s Urban Retreat in DC January 8
* New Year, New You Teleclass January 11
* Art Journal Playshop in DC February 12
* Costa Rica March 3-10
* Art + Yoga Cozy Cabin Retreat in West Virginia April 13-15
* Doga in the Park in DC May 12
* Yoga + Art Retreat in Paris + Provence May 24 – June 2 SOLD OUT + June 7-16 (6 spots left)
* Art + Yoga Cozy Cabin Retreat in West Virginia October 12-14
* Yoga Retreat in India November 2012
** Details and sign up here **
Featured Guest: Dr. Eric Maisel is the author of more than thirty-five books. His interests include creativity and the creative life, mental and emotional health, and philosophy and the art of making meaning.
Dr. Maisel’s recent books include Rethinking Depression (New World Library, 2012), Mastering Creative Anxiety (New World Library, 2011), and (with his wife Ann Maisel) Brainstorm: Harnessing the Power of Productive Obsessions (New World Library, 2010).
His books for creative and performing artists include Fearless Creating, Coaching the Artist Within, The Van Gogh Blues, The Creativity Book, and Creativity for Life.
A Writer’s Paris Giveaway:
Today I picked up one of my favorite books of Eric’s at a secondhand bookstore, A Writer’s Paris. I’m planning on sending it to one lucky podcast listener. Might it be you? To enter, leave a comment section below noting one takeaway from this special podcast. A luck winner will be chosen at random and announced on December 31 in the comment section below, on Twitter, and on Facebook.
Savvy Sources:
Twitter: @ericmaisel
Website: ericmaisel.com
Books: ericmaisel.com/books/
Signature Style: TranquiliT is a line of layers in rayon made from organic bamboo. We are locally sewn and plant 150 trees each month while also donating a portion of proceeds to Tranquil Space Foundation and Pigs Animal Sanctuary. Featured Look: Long sleeve wrap tunic over flare leggy.
Stay Au Courant:
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Au Revoir: To close out the show, we’re playing River by Karmacoda. Learn more about
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