tranquility du jour #314: building your business the right-brain way

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Welcome to the 314th edition of Tranquility du Jour. Today’s show features Jennifer Lee on Building Your Business the Right-Brain Way.

Featured Guest: Jennifer Lee
I wasn’t always an entrepreneur. For ten years I worked as a corporate consultant for Fortune 500 companies while growing my coaching business in my spare time. In 2006, tired of living my dream on the side, I took the scary but exhilarating entrepreneurial leap. Finally, I was doing work that was a true expression of my joy in the world!

After striking out on my own, I used a number of creative ways to grow my business. But it was in November of 2007 that everything changed! I participated in Leah Piken Kolidas’ Art Every Day Month, and the final two days of the challenge serendipitously culminated in an out-of-the-box approach to my business. As I was revisiting my business plan (originally a boring, static Word document), I decided to put my own creative spin on it and the Right-Brain Business Plan® was born!

I had no idea that that colorful and unusual approach would empower so many creative entrepreneurs around the world to launch their businesses in a way that made their hearts sing. It fills me with joy knowing that, as a result, more visionary souls, heart-centered professionals, and inspiring artists are out there making a positive difference through their work. I want to make sure you and your business are here to stay, so that you can keep on sharing your special gifts with the world. This is why I wrote my second book, Building Your Business the Right-Brain Way, which gives even more guidance, tips, and tools to help you expand your business, and more importantly, make sure it stays successful over the long haul.

I continue to grow my business from a place of creativity and joy, and I feel more than ever that I have truly found my calling to help others achieve success simply by showing them how to get out there and share their talents, wisdom and experience.

Savvy Sources:
Seasonal online book club pick: The Gifts of Imperfection
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