Featured Guest: Jennifer Howd is a writer, creative consultant and mindfulness facilitator with over 15 years of experience working in the entertainment industry in NYC and Los Angeles. She studies mindfulness at UCLA’s Mindful Awareness Research Center (MARC) and offers mindfulness classes, workshops, and consultations to facilitate mindfulness as a way of life. Her debut memoirette, The Mindfulness Diaries: How I Survived My First Nine-Day Silent Meditation Retreat is currently available in paperback and on Kindle. For more information, visit TheMindfulnessDiaries.com.
Savvy Sources:
Website: themindfulnessdiaries.com
Twitter: twitter.com/jennhowd
Facebook: facebook.com/TheMindfulnessDiaries
Facilitation: jenniferhowd.com/?page_id=764
Seasonal online book club pick: The Gifts of Imperfection
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