Tranquility du Jour #414: Parisian Charm School

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Parisian Charm School with Jamie Cat Callan. In this week’s edition of Tranquility du Jour, Jamie and I chat about her latest book, the beauty in the details, her life on the farm, and art of the French flirt.

Tranquility du Jour #414: Parisian Charm School


Direct download: Tranquility du Jour #414: Parisian Charm School

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Featured Guest: Jamie Cat Callan


Jamie Cat Callan is the author of the recently released Parisian Charm School (Penguin Random House).  She is also the author of the bestselling books French Women Don’t Sleep AloneBonjour, Happiness! and Ooh La La! French Women’s Secrets to Feeling Beautiful Every Day. Her books have been published in twenty-one countries and have been featured in major magazines, including The New York TimesVanity Fair, and Time. Jamie makes her home in New York’s Hudson Valley at La Belle Farm, where she and her husband have created a little bit of France and grow lavender, sunflowers and produce their own brand of French sparkling apple cider.


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