Moon Wisdom with Bronwyn Simons. In this week’s edition of Tranquility du Jour, we discuss astrology and its use in daily life, her thoughts about aligning with natural cycles and how the moon cycles can enhance our lives.
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Featured Guest:
Hello! I’m Bronwyn. I’m a visual artist and consulting astrologer living on beautiful Vancouver Island. I love living intimately with nature; I am nurtured daily by the living ocean, the ancient giant cedars, the salmon-bearing streams and the dark night skies of my beautiful home.
At the center of my creative life are circles of women. My soul’s work happens here. I’ve been facilitating women’s circles for thirty years, and leading women’s retreats for nearly twenty. Over and over again, I have witnessed the life-changing power of groups of women coming together with purpose. Leading and mentoring women on-on-one and in circle is my honor and one of my greatest joys. In my astrological practice, I lead workshops, min-retreats, and Moon Circles around the US and Canada, and am currently Resident Astrologer for Jane Reeve’s beautiful semi-annual Italy retreats.
As a consulting astrologer I work with the cycles of the Sun, Moon and planets to help my clients gain deeper understanding of their own life cycles. I see each life story as life is a thing of beauty, of richness, and profound depth. You can think of me as a guide to those depths, an interpreter of the deep and sometimes strange symbolic language of the soul. With gentle loving-kindness, I help my clients to see beneath the surface of life, and to better understand the great currents of energy that are moving us forward.
As a visual artist, I have explored many media, and my main work now is with ceramics, painting, and illustration. I have exhibited widely, and my work can be found in collections in North America, the UK and the Middle East. I am currently obsessed with food illustration!
I’m also a mom to a wonderful grown daughter, and I’ve been happily partnered to my best friend for twenty-five years. I’m a practicing Tibetan Buddhist, a dancer, a yogini, and a rescuer of pugs in my spare time.
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