Tranquility du Jour #608: Paris Planning & Packing

Tranquility du Jour #608: Paris Planning & Packing
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In this week’s edition of Tranquility du Jour, I share a peek into planning, packing, and savoring Paris with my mom.

Thank you for listening and growing up with me over the past 18 years of this podcast!

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Tranquility du Jour #608: Paris Planning & Packing

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Mentioned in the Show

Packing List

3 2in1 TDJ fitted tops
3 TDJ leggings
2 TDJ bodysuits
satin slip dress
satin wide-legged pants
tulle TDJ dress
TDJ wrap tunic
TDJ blazer
lacrosse ball
satin pillow case
bamboo wash cloth
boa for the concert
laundry bag
white sneakers

On the Plane

wore 2in1 fitted top with leggings, tunic wrap, blazer, trench, scarf

My Paris Favorites

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Paris Reels

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