You’re going to Paris with me! Our final planned virtual retreat will unfold on Saturday, October 14, from 12-2 pm ET live from the City of Light.
Savor this opportunity to shed the burdens of overwhelm, nurture your well-being, and execute a masterful reset through guided practices, heartfelt discussions, and expert insights.
Enjoy a gentle one-hour yoga and meditation pre-recorded practice to nourish the soul (Module 1) PLUS a two-hour LIVE experience to learn ways to align your values with your schedule, explore tips to soften and shed along with nature, and use words and images to create a vision for the rest of your year (Module 2 and 3).
Leave with an action plan, renewed inspiration, and a sense of deep connection to yourself with Paris as our backdrop.
BONUSES: Registration also includes a chance to win a curated care package from my trip AND a Post-Retreat Paris Party from 2:30-3 pm ET where you’ll get an inside peek into what I love about Paris in this engaging experience, ooh la la!
You’ll get: a beautiful workbook PDF, two hours of live programming, a one-hour all-level pre-recorded yoga and meditation video, tools for living with more tranquility, bonuses mentioned above, and a replay. Oh, and community and LOTS of love.
Set aside three hours in your planner and gather your supplies (creature comforts, journal, markers, yoga mat, images from magazines that represent your dreams).
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Tranquility du Jour
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