bon soir

love notes
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organize, organize, organize. this whole week has been all about organizing, weeding out, simplifying, and setting up new systems. yesterday beau and i moved TranquiliT’s inventory out of a rented showroom and into my dining room. shhhh . . . lest you realize how tiny and humble our operations are. i love having all the yummy bamboo pieces at my fingertips and after a few months of backlog, it’s exciting to be back on track with this creative outlet. watch for website updates and fun, new sales coming just in time for the holidays. and, you’ll be happy to know, that each piece is wrapped with tons of love in the pink palace.

gearing up for tomorrow’s trunk show at tranquil space. so excited to see what all the vendors have to share. i love being under the same roof with so many creative women!

happy to share that hip tranquil chick was featured among holiday gift ideas at
woo-hoo! the lovely maria fyodorova told me and writes a tres cool blog:

wanted to share a quote by one of my fave cool chicks ever – anais nin: “how wrong it is for a woman to expect the man to build the world she wants, rather than to create it herself.”