bonjour from the tiny town of lovingston

love notes
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tonight a fellow writer’s retreat gal and moi headed into the big city for some live music at rapunzels. the band is fabulous, but the audience consists of me, my pal, a random dude in the back corner, and two lovely gals serving up coffee. guess we’ll head to the local cafe for some downtown grub before heading back to our writing desks.

can i confess? i’ve been going through serious everyday life withdrawals. literally. heart palpitations at times, obsessive checking of my cell phone, and an odd discomfort at not being super-busy. i equate it to what i presume happens in detox. initially it was true bliss. then yesterday i started getting antsy. i’m sure i’ll be settled in and completely “normal” right when i’m ready to head back to a weekend of teaching on friday. ah, such is life. however, i have REALLY enjoyed this time away, done a heck of writing, and savored living simply (in between the shakes!). just kidding. kinda.

my pal is getting antsy as it’s time to eat. that’s all we do here. eat, write, eat, shower, write more, sleep, write.

before i sign off, i wanted to share a quote that i pulled out of a yoga magazine this weekend during our collage-making extravaganza:

yoga is about making friends with life and with yourself. there is no lifestyle, no occupation, no situation that cannot be greatly enhanced by yoga. yoga is not something that should be set apart from one’s life. rather it should become the taproot from which the other aspects of your life are nourished and regenerated. – godfrey devereaux

well said, godfrey. hope you love it as much as i do. off to write . . .