eye candy

love notes
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after seeing sex and the city for the second time this weekend, i had to smile when i thought of the term “eye candy.” a girlfriend described the movie as total eye candy and i absolutely agree. brocade sends me weekly emails filled with eye candy. just look at this week’s photo. what a beautiful desk! i could work at it for hours with my macbook air, louis on my lap, and some sultry music playing nearby! total treat.

on saturday, beau and i took the afternoon off to indulge in normalcy. after our nap post-race for the cure, we headed to annapolis for a dear friends son’s 1-year birthday party. what does aunt kimberly get him but a hand dyed, sheer tee-shirt with the om symbol in rainbow rhinestones. yep, this little boy is gonna be a rock star! before leaving i asked bebe’s mama if i could find a local place that had a bookstore and H&M inside – i knew i’d find heaven. indeed there was one. then beau and i traipsed around the local mall for a couple of hours. i loved it. haven’t been shopping in sooooo long – not like this. i didn’t buy a thing but loved the idea of checking everything out – especially the kitchy accessory places like claire’s. it was me and a bunch of tweens. now claire’s is FILLED with eye candy – tiaras, boas, bracelets, sparkly headbands, patent clutches, scarves – accessory heaven. it was so fun to play “time off.” we topped the evening off with my return to sex and the city. i was just as mesmerized the second time around.

speaking of eye candy, look at this darling hip tranquil chick bear that the lovely april sent to moi. “ms. sasha,” as she was coined, is said to be donning a TranquiliT wrap dress and perfect pants or leggings. too cute. her e-mail was titled “buildaHTC.” april took her daughter to a build-a-bear store and ended up doing this work of art herself. i love it!

look for eye candy throughout your day. you may find it among the lobby art, bus billboard, nearby gardens, cute colleague, dress display, or even on your yoga mat. eye candy.