french-filled giveaway winner(s) announced xoxo

love notes
Get my 15 simple practices to help you prioritize self-care. Download your “Tranquility in the Everyday workbook."





merci beaucoup for your *thoughtful* feedback on why you read tranquility du jour.
your feedback inspired moi in ways you may never know. it’s beyond rewarding to hear that sharing my silly struggles, everyday adventures, passion for sparkles, and obsession with leaving a legacy are having an impact. considering i’m been typing away on this blog for five years now, i love seeing who is reading and why.
as you know i’m working on expanding our blog with guest bloggers, a new design (being worked on as a type), and oodles of ongoing inspiration. i greatly value your readership and support over the years.
i read your comments as they came in and loved hearing what draws you to tranquility du jour. considering i received 59, i asked beau to choose the one that he felt most summed up the question of “why?” in a beautiful, poetic, inspiring way. he narrowed it down to five and we narrowed it down to two. final decisions are hard so we chose deux.

drumroll please . . .

the winner of the french-filled care package is monica who wrote: 

“Every morning, I start my day by checking your blog. There’s something magical in your combination of optimism, cheerfulness, persistence and passion. Your blogs and podcasts never fail to get my creative juices flowing and move me to not just be content to dream, but to follow your lead and ACT on my dreams! In your blogs I find my favorite things-goal-setting, planning and organizing, a love of books and self-help, yoga, self-care, self-indulgence. I learn from your efforts at striking a balance between work and play, between sacred and profane, awareness and forgiveness. Most of all, daily readings of your blog remind me that I have the power to create the life that I want, and to never forget the importance of adding dashes of pink and sparkles to everything that I do.”
the runner-up will receive a mini french-filled care package and is heather who wrote:
“TDJ is a happy reminder for me to continue to LIVE my passion and ENJOY the process of doing so. i get such a SPARK reading about your constant SELF-EVOLUTION… the high and low notes and all of the in-between. you INSPIRE me to SEARCH deeper and DREAM bigger!”
 monica + heather: *BIG* congrats. pleaes e-mail moi your snail mail addy and i’ll get your care packages out when i return to dc next week.
merci beaucoup to ALL for contributing. more giveaways to come. xoxo