procrastination station

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i’ve lit candles, made two pots of tea, shipped all remaining TranquiliT orders, chatted with a potential book publicist, made breakfast and lunch, handled e-mails – *anything* to not do this paper i was supposed to be writing ALL day! and (confession) . . . it was due last monday.
i was once the good student. good grades (great studier, not great retainer). papers prepared well before due dates. now, i’m the bad kid in class. it all began at my second contemporary behavior theory class earlier this semester when the teacher came around collecting papers. i was horrified. what paper? yep, one’s worst nightmare. clearly the semester started with a bang!
the clock is ticking with final papers due in 9 days. i continue to struggle with all that i want to do: declutter, read, nap, sew, create, run, do yoga, read more, nap more, strategic plan, design spring, write.
it’s time to break the papers down into small pieces with due dates. looks like i’ll have to trick myself into finishing on time with treats. write a page, soak in the tub. write another page, have tea with a friend. finish paper, get a big slice o’ pizza plus grape soda. on and on.
anyone else struggle with procrastination when you’d rather be doing something more fun?