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love notes
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bonjour saturday night. i slept 14 hours last night. oui, 14! woke up at 10 hour mark due to a text message. then promptly fell back to sleep for 4 more hours. wowza. someone was sleepy!
yesterday i donned new noir bloomers (peeking out) under my 2in1 flare top and crocheted shawl with knee high socks over noir tights, vintage cowboy boots, and a vintage key necklace. 
love throwing random pieces together.
after organizing + shipping oodles of TranquiliT, i soaked in the tub, got a massage, and daydreamed about purchasing a vintage airstream. god bless saturdays when i pretend i have no deadlines (or comp exams in 6 days) . . . 
bisous. x