sultry summer survival

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ahh, the heat! i hope you are all doing your best to stay cool, hydrated, and well-moisturized! as we move into the final days of summer, i wanted to share some of my favorite tips for surviving (and thriving) in the heat:

1. drink TONS of h2O
2. wear sunscreen on your lovely face and lips (skip foundation)
3. don a cute sun hat (yep, even to walk to the metro)
4. always accessorize (makes you feel better when melting)
5. water your garden in the morning so you don’t come home to wilted flowers
6. practice your yoga! it’s SO fabulous to have an already warm body and you’ll be surprised at how far a warm body can go in some of your not-so-favorite poses.
7. choose waterproof mascara
8. wear breatheable fabrics (bamboo is GREAT, poly not so great)
9. don those big sunglasses (they look cool AND keep the sun out)
10. do what you can to help stop global warming (visit