bonjour change, au revoir steady schedule.
as i type away donning TranquiliT, chanel glasses, and chenille slippers, i’m basking in silly disappointment. after stumbling to the computer this morning with a sore throat, i opened my email to find my final grade from my professor . . . a B+. booooooo. i knew i was on the edge – 88, 90, 88. but a B+? might as well be a C at that point. wahhhhhh.
needless to say, it has colored my day. initially i shed a tiny tear and threw a tiny tantrum to beau who proclaimed “B+ is the new tuesday?” um, ok, enough ridiculous drama. gotta study for tomorrow’s final which is a tough one . . . statistics. ugh! more wahhhh.
this week has been the launch into new scheduling. said au revoir to a class i’ve taught for 10.5 YEARS, had final monday MSW class for awhile, and said a 3-month au revoir to another class i’ve taught off and on for 10.5 years. next week i embrace summer school during my normal teaching times, pick up a new class, and bask in public policy class for 7 hours/week. whew! honestly, the shake up (once i got over the shock that i had to do it) is feeling good, exciting, and oh-so-right!
here’s my week in review:
teacher training graduation. so proud of this year’s grads. talented bunch!
finale stats class and turned in final paper.
took abnormal psychology final = B+. boooo. i digress.
oodles of work on new tranquil space website – to be launched soon.
healing: physical therapy and acupuncture.
artist date: georgia o’keefe exhibit at the phillips collection = divine.
meeting with contractor + architect for new arlington studio space. woo hoo!
taught 3 farewell-for-now classes.
organized my tiny “executive office” at tranquil space.
read half of ted leonsis’ book “the business of happiness” – dig it!
study for stats final – ugh.
prep for tonight’s artistic extravaganza facilitated by mindy of wish studio.
concluded the tranquilista lifestyle: joie de vivre e-course. SUCH talented women.
ate oodles of cheese and greens.
mused on ways to turn chez moi into a more creative empire such as these closets turned offices and this collage of fabulous craft rooms and this blog on craft space.
set up a trunk show in costa rica during my upcoming retreat.
how did your week unfold? were you able to knock off your MITs (most important tasks)? hope your may dreams are feeling fruitful.
wishing each of you a beautiful, creative, A+ launch into your weekend. may you find a way to shake things up and experience the freedom that change brings (sans B+s).