week in review: belly laughs, my teacher

love notes
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week in review:
volunteer at pig sanctuary
led section of teacher training
gave client case presentation at school
hosted beloved fellow teacher + friend from aussie, laughed into wee hours
sipped jasmine tea at cafe in shepherdstown + teaism in dc
shopped oodles of vintage products on etsy
welcomed mum who will be with us through january 31
oodles of india night benefit prep
taught 2 classes
took 3 yoga classes
1 night at gym with le beau
2 days of internship at n street village 
held teacher siobhan’s 7-hour-old bebe boy
indulged in 2 massages to alleviate yucky neck upset
10 cheeses + wine at le chat noir
the above photo is of the india dog i fell in love with. he was literally the happiest dog i’ve come across, so very sweet. sadly, he was covered in mange, had some odd skin bumps, and most people gawked at him in horror. the great thing, he knew nothing different. he didn’t subscribe to dog fancy so he wasn’t aware of the ideal dog. instead, he greeted passersby with the sweetest face and a wagging tail. look at those eyes. tonight’s benefit will raise money for two charities and the one that i chose with him in mind is help in suffering. i. heart. lumpieji. 
that was his nickname – lumpie b/c of the skin bumps and “ji” is a form of respect or reverence for a guru or honored person. he was my teacher in india. when our bus pulled out of rishikesh, i cried. i already missed lumpieji. our teachers come in all forms.