week in review: joie de vivre

love notes
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week in review
taught 4 hours of teacher training (beloved new trainees – j’adore!)
hosted living your yoga bookclub 
sharing artful living podcast
cuddled with le pug (see photo above)
determined dates for paris + provence art + yoga retreat (may 2012 – deets to come)
wrote 2 papers the day they were due = ugh 
one gym outing
4 yoga classes
return to shoulder doctor to ask “why am i not able to do chaturanga yet?” 
prescribed a return to physical therapy = le sigh
met with potential new intern for TranquiliT
got a 100% on a paper i wrote 2 weeks ago = OMG
prep for bebe shower hosting tomorrow
gave 3-min speech on “my journey: oklahoma to n street” at n street village toastmaster’s group
wrote in my journal
read snippets of real happiness by sharon salzberg
crafted agenda for sunday’s tranquil space front desk team meeting
savored many soaks in the tub
painted nails silvery gray
feel madly in love with piglet petunia 
found out about ny + dc farm sanctuary conference events i am EXCITED to attend
weekend wish list
host sparkly bebe shower chez moi
host festive hip hop yoga at tranquil space tonight
host inspiring charity class for tranquil space foundation sunday
highlights, lowlights, trim
offer mentoring session to fave client
sit fireside with le chat noir and pile of books
practice being
et toi, what’s on your weekend wish list?
sparkle on.