Your Vote Matters/Giveaway

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Happy rainy Thursday from DC! Thanks SO much for all of your input on the writing project I’m working on. Your emails and comments have meant SO much as your opinion means the world. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

In other news, I’ve alluded to some changes coming down the pike with my locally-sewn, eco-friendly clothing line, TranquiliT. One part it is a new look and I’d LOVE your feedback on this project, too!

1. Which of the top logos do you like? See above, #1-5

2. Which of the script fonts do you like best? See below, #1-3

Also, as a token of appreciation, one lucky responder will win a leopard-print scarf.

To enter to win, please share your vote for the logo and script number the comments below or send me an email by Sunday, February 9 at 11:59 pm ET. The winner will be announced here and on Instagram Monday.

Thanks HEAPS for your input! Your feedback means the world. Bisous. x