Detox Diaries: Day Five

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Friday started out strong and ended with a sugar-induced belly ache.

Fueled on a breakfast of steel cut oats and a green smoothie, I headed to Tranquil Space for yoga. Feeling woozy afterwards, I hit Safeway en route to my next appointment and picked up a pre-made salad. Tucked inside was a small fork—they think of everything!

Early evening I longed to grab a bite out and pretend we were normal. After much back and forth on the healthiest option to help us stay on track, we decided on a sushi spot in Dupont. Prying open the edamame pods and dipping sushi into soy sauce commingled with wasabi was a sensory delight.

But it wasn’t enough. I craved something sweet to top it off and asked for the dessert menu. Thank goodness, nothing appealed.

Feeling defeated, I remembered Kramerbooks was next door and they had many options. We walked through the stacks of books to a table and I vacillated—what’s the lesser of all the evils? I chose peach cobbler (fruit!) and, as you’ll see from the last photo above, it didn’t stand a chance. Immediately I felt yucky although it did taste so darn good.

Note to self: it tastes so good going down for the first 50%. Then it doesn’t feel good and once I finish it, it’s even worse. Tim said, “I told you so!”

Although I haven’t been fully faithful to this 10-day detox, it has been insightful to note my deep cravings and the effects those cravings have on me when I succumb. You may have seen Fed Up in 2014, it’s an insightful documentary on the power of sugar. For example, did you know sugar is considered eight times more addictive than cocaine?

Cheat: peach cobbler, otherwise gold star{ish}. Bisous. x

Day One

Day Two

Day Three

Day Four