Find Your Tranquil Space Within {10 Tips}

love notes
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Life is change. Growth is optional. Choose wisely. —Karen Kaiser Clark

Author’s Note: I penned this piece for this week’s Love Note. At the end, you’ll find 10 tips on creating your own inner tranquil space.

As some of you know, in 2017, after 18 years spent pouring my soul into two yoga studios, I sold them to YogaWorks. Monday I received multiple emails and text messages with the same news. YogaWorks had just announced to their former employees that they were closing both locations. Thanks, Covid.

For nearly two decades my life was these studios. I obsessed over every detail—doilies on cookie plates, special herbal tea blend, lavender aromatherapy spray, community and team events, a signature style of teaching yoga, handmade bolsters and meditation cushions created (shout out to mama), inspiring music, eco-friendly flooring. You name it, everything was intentional.

And in August 2017, I handed the keys to the castle over to a new caretaker.

When I first heard the news, I felt nothing. Not because I don’t care. Or feel compassion for so many beloved souls who lost their jobs. Or wish this special Tranquil Space yoga community could live on forever. It’s just, I don’t know, I didn’t feel a thing in my body. Numb.

Over the years, I’ve learned to listen to my body’s reactions. Does it always keep me out of trouble or from indulging in one too many pieces of cake? Nope, but I do try. And it’s quite smart because my head isn’t in the way.

This numbness could be that I haven’t processed the fact that all the seed planting, growing, feeding, and watering of these enterprises and communities will no longer exist in physical form. Or I’m in shock. Or I’ve let go and moved on (scenes from the team farewell party I hosted post-sale). Possibly it’s a blend of all the above.

And much more. To be determined and to be processed further.

I share this as a reminder that we’re in constant shift. Doors open and close. People come and go. We’re not meant to stay the same. As the quote above says, change comes whether we want it or not. But learning lessons and growing from it is a whole different scenario.

Right now, there’s so much change happening. Much of it is hard and, yet, I ask how can we grow in the process? I’ll share some ideas during Sunday’s TDJ Live. I hope this resonates as we all navigate this time with as much gentleness as possible.

10 Ways to Find Your Tranquil Space Within
  1. Listen to your body. Inhale, exhale.
  2. Spend time in silence each day.
  3. Nurture a close community of your favorite beings.
  4. Surround yourself with what nourishes the senses: plants, flowers, candles, snoring pugs (ha!), tea, music, lavender.
  5. Eat lots of plants, drink those smoothies, and savor bits of dark chocolate (or vegan cake).
  6. Read and write: Expand your world through books and get those thoughts on paper.
  7. Share your gifts with the world.
  8. Get cultured: anti-racism, the arts, classic books (hello, Jane Austen), travel (virtual counts!), classic films, a new language, try new-to-you cuisine, vote, send thank-you notes.
  9. Keep the big picture in mind. Ask if the upset-of-the-day will even matter a year from now.
  10. Prioritize your spiritual health: meditation, dance, yoga, exercise, nature, therapy.

Those are a few of my ideas. How do you cultivate a tranquil space within? Bisous. x