Happy Solstice!

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As we head into the depths of the holidays and the shortest day of the year, let’s make time to connect within and with nature.

Enjoy a long afternoon walk. Stargaze. Put up bird feeders and keep them stocked. Make a pot of soup. Light a fire to create warmth for the longest night. Build a snowman. Ice skate. Collect pine cones to make scented pine cones. Volunteer. Sip hot cocoa by a campfire. Moisturize. Catch up on Tranquility du Jour podcasts. Schedule down time. Light candles. Try a 24-hour digital detox. Soak in the tub. Journal. Pledge to do good this winter. Reflect on your year. Practice kindness. Get crafty and create handmade gifts. Watch this 1-hour video on ways to make your holidays less harried.

May your days be merry as they get brighter and brighter! You are beautiful. Bisous. x