tranquilosophy: 3 weeks on tour

love notes
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bonjour from lotus cafe in jackson, wyoming. it’s hard to believe three weeks ago yesterday we hit the open road in search of our own tranquility with hope of sprinkling tranquility. while our ability to be online has been most limited, we’ve tried to share stories via our podcasts, updates via the tranquility tour facebook page, and photos here and instagram.

the journey has been an interesting concoction of events {8 so far!}, heaps of driving {me riding, le beau driving so far}, lillie repair {darn serpentine belt}, napping, family time in new york, playtime with friends in montreal, gorgeous landscapes, meeting amazing beings, penning lots of love notes {virtual and snail mail}, editing the new daybook release {deets coming next week}, assisting with tranquil space transitions, mailing lots of tranquilologie books, overseeing TranquiliT fall collection orders, keeping le pug happy and healthy, and window gazing for hours as we travel. and to bed by 9pm most nights and up with the sun which feels incredibly good!

this morning we woke up to sleet followed by snow. now the sun is shining brightly. god bless the mountains. one never knows what will unfold. we plan to hit the square and then head toward the tetons to camp tonight. sadly the national parks are closed just as we planned on savoring them en route to calgary. le sigh.

the biggest lesson learned so far is to go with the flow and savor the journey. vintage campers decide to take some time off {aka breakdown}, wifi trickles in at dial-up speed, green juices are lacking across parts of america, the body aches due sun salutation deprevation, post boxes can be hard to find in tiny towns, and campground showers can be chilly.

oh, and the world keeps turning {aka emails keep coming} and many things still need attention from afar {duh}. thus, tranquility is a must. as i continue to explore mindfulness and do my best to live in the moment, i laugh at these “concerns.” of course the world will keep turning. being able to focus on what needs attention, taking deep breaths, and saving the rest for later is where tranquility reigns.

let go of what you can’t control {like closed national parks or lillie breakdowns}. be fully present with what is. embrace extreme gratitude for what you have {a chilly shower is still a shower}. take in the vista with joy {snow-capped mountains make me squeal}. savor the experience {light candles for campground picnics}. bask in the connections {i’ve LOVED meeting you!}. and remember that you are enough. bisous. x