tranquilosophy: making time for what matters

love notes
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quality time with my tranquility du jour daybook
post-it note project planning chez moi

since returning from tranquility tour i’ve been doing lots of reflection on project creation, product enhancement, plus strategic use of time and energy coupled with what i most enjoy. you know, the ongoing dilemma you, too, may explore on a regular basis.

in the bottom image above you’ll see my life broken out into five categories {4 organizations + personal}. each post-it represents a dream {daily writing}, project {24 days o’ tranquility e-course}, or plan {back patio garden} for the new year. on the far right {out of the photo} are two larger post-it notes with my love list {create, write, teach, travel, learn} and my most important list {teaching, learning, growing, creating, mindfulness, family time, making a difference}.

this process began as a word document after settling back into life at the pink palace but i don’t want to have to open a document to view my dreams. so i pulled out cute post-its and had a solo mini brainstorming session while also reviewing former years’ dreams. i’ll take the process further by crystallizing the dreams, penning the plans onto library cards, and inserting them into my daybook.

here are tips to make time for what matters in your life:

1. ask yourself what you most love to do and jot it down. put it someplace you’ll see often.

2. get clear on your most important overarching themes for the new year. my 2014 theme is simplicity.

3. break your dreams into categories that resonate {products, projects, clients, etc.}

4. get clear on what resonates for 2014 fulfillment. some dreams may be more long-term {ex. graduate school} and not doable in one year while others may be small to-dos {pen thank you’s} that may not warrant their own post-it.

5. spend time with your daybook penning your dreams or collaging them with images that represent what you want to bring forth. {see top pic}

6. set timelines for your bigger projects or sign up for classes that will ensure you participate. for example, doing yoga or exercise at home may not be as successful as knowing you have a weekly date with your mat to keep you accountable.

7. review these dreams weekly as you create your week’s MITs {most important tasks} and try to take one tiny step daily to move closer to a dream or project fulfillment.

8. get clear on how you’re spending your 168 hours. how does this time usage align with your values? where can you make adjustments to ensure your time supports your dreams?

make time for what matters. you deserve it and so does this beautiful world awaiting your many gifts.

any additional suggestions? would love to hear them. i can’t wait to see all that 2014 has in store for each of us. bisous. x