Tranquilosophy: Prioritizing Self-Care

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Get my 15 simple practices to help you prioritize self-care. Download your “Tranquility in the Everyday workbook."





There is a connection between self-nurturing and self-respect.—Julia Cameron

This month we’re exploring these 15 self-care practices in Year of Tranquility and I find this topic to be one of utmost importance, especially for women.

We all know the adage to put our own oxygen masks on before helping others, however, how often do we fully embrace this idea beyond the airplane?

Each week we’re diving into each of the listed 15 self-care practices listed and exploring ways to help with implementation.

For example, there’s AM/PM Rituals:

Creating morning and evening rituals helps reduce decision making fatigue, helps us stay grounded, and ensures the important things get done. Greet your day with a yoga sun salutation, cuppa tea, writing time, or a brisk walk—start with an intentional, tranquil tone. End your day with reflection. Shut down technology, soak in the tub, review tomorrow’s agenda, or read in bed for 30 minutes before lights out. Your ritual could be 5 minutes for a few hours. Try it on and see what works best for you and this stage of life. These practices become the bookends to our day.

And Journaling:

The process of putting pen to paper can be a therapeutic brain dump that also serves as a light into dark, unexplored places. Let your pen dance freely across the page. Make lists, create a mind map, answer a basic prompt that will change each time you write “At this moment I am feeling . . . “, and process what emotions arise and why. After a few weeks, months, or years of doing this, you’ll have lots of fodder for exploring and better understanding patterns, motivations, fears, and struggles. I’m currently studying Journal Therapy and learning so much about the power of this process.

And Restful Sleep:

Ariana Huffington is a big proponent of sleep. In her book Thrive she wrote, “Rob yourself of sleep and you’ll find you do not function at your personal best. This is true of work decisions, relationship challenges, or any life situation that requires judgement, emotional equilibrium, problem solving, and creativity.” A few tips on improving sleep: go to bed earlier, avoid screens, keep your room dark and cool, limit caffeine, and postpone worrying and brainstorming. I keep a pen and paper by my bed to capture these random thoughts and then return to dreaming. Additional tools include fresh linens, soft blankets, weighted blankets, earplugs, and fans. As needed, take a nap, even 20 minutes can make you feel mentally and physically refreshed.

We’re turning the corner on summer. Temperatures are cooler and there’s a feeling of fall in the air. It’s my favorite time of the year as things slow down and the mood turns inward.

As we prepare for this transition, what would it look like to focus on making self-care a priority? Read through this list and rate each practice on a scale of 1-10 with how satisfied you are with it right now. Note which practices you’d like to see more of during the final four months of 2018 (Can you believe I just wrote that?!).

This month my focus has been journaling, mindful movement, and creative play. Now it’s time to think about fall self-care priorities. If I don’t make a conscious effort, it doesn’t happen. Penning the practices into my planner, especially in the Month’s Dreams, helps ensure I stay aware of them throughout the month. And sprinkling them into my daily to-dos helps, too, since I LOVE checking things off.

Where will you focus? What most wants attention? How can you best care for yourself right now? You deserve it and, well, need it to thrive. Bisous. x