tranquilosophy: snowga

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the yoga flow

after my 9+-hour round-trip jaunt to and from nyc for yesterday’s writing class, i caught the metro to dupont and plowed through the falling snow en route home. i swear there was glass glitter sprinkled throughout the white fluff. under the streetlights it sparkled with joy. then i was fast asleep while the snow and quiet intensified.

at noon i facilitated a group of yogis through a delicious flow. despite teaching for 15 years now, there is still great joy in the process.

from setting the stage through incense, lighting, music, and feeling true delight to see each soul who ventured out in today’s snowy conditions.

to the creation of a bell-curved flow complete with hands-on assists and accompanying music.

followed by the wrap-up of the experience with an inspiring reading on how yoga is what we do off the mat, recitation of my fave mantra lokah samastah sukhino bhavantu, and sharing of our studio dedication.

yoga is a full-bodied experience from start to finish. i still find teaching to be a true honor and big responsibility. we bring so much to our mats and, as teachers, we have the opportunity to create a safe space for an authentic unfolding and, ultimately, a deep connection to our own tranquil space within.

happy 15 years tranquil space. what a beautiful journey it’s been. bisous. x

the yoga rest