Week in Review

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Week in Review

Hosted Writing Lab at Tranquil Space
Took yoga
Biked 12 miles via commute
Brunch with girlfriend
Enjoyed an afternoon stroll with family to Whole Foods for watermelon
Hit the Dupont Farmers’ Market {yay Asian pears!}
Volunteered at Hospice
Survived another dog training session {boo separation anxiety}
Got Mookie’s thunder shirt + homeopathic drops
Enjoyed evening at Tabard Inn with Writing Group
Survived 4 hours with accountant
Penned Signature Style muse for 52 Weeks of Tranquility
Added meditation mp3 to Tranquil Treasures
Taught mindfulness class
Saw clients for 3 days at The Women’s Center
Enjoyed date night with Tim and Mookie {and a glass of riesling}
Prepped for podcast interviews
Released podcast interview with Ellen Blaufox: Find Your True Edge
Sent Path to Publication mp3 to this year’s Penning in Paris ladies
Got a mani
Set up session with writing coach
Reviewed Daybook product samples
Reviewed Daybook design {bonjour pink and gold}
Shipped Daybooks and TranquiliT treats
Supported a charity class for Spa Swag for Warriors at Tranquil Space
Penned Tranquil Travel Checklist for new Daybook {lots of new features}
Received resignation from rock star Studio Director who has a great new opportunity
Received sweet white flowers at work
Shared Tranquil Treasures scoop and how to access

Savvy Sources

henrymillerHenry Miller’s 11 Commandments of Writing + Creative Routine from Brain Pickings

The Art of Waiting Gracefully by Holly Robinson {an ongoing struggle}
10 Creative Rituals You Should Steal by Sean Blanda
How Rituals Unleash Your Creativity by Todd Henry


Weekend Wish List

Pack and unpack for camping weekend
Deliver a good interview for America Meditation Radio Show
Conduct two inspiring interviews for podcast
Savor train ride to Harper’s Ferry
Safe travels to campground in Miss Lillie
Sit around the campfire and stargaze
Savor time in nature with my family
Prep writing homework
Prep mini Mindfulness training for therapists

Et toi? What’s on your weekend wish list? Bisous. x