Life Lately

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I’m restless. Things are calling me away. My hair is being pulled by the stars again.―Anaïs Nin

Last week we drove 40+ hours road trip to Oklahoma (yes, where the wind comes sweeping down the plains) with three pugs in tow.

Three days focused on the  slowing down and savoring that happens in the Great Plains—first fire of the season, soak in a claw foot tub, late night movies, vegan cake, walk in the woods, time with loved ones, 15-minute walks to the mailbox. All good for the soul.

Today I hosted the Softening into Fall Virtual Retreat (group photo above) and launched the 7-day detox.

The previous few weeks have been filled with equally exciting events: saving a blind baby rat from the alley (named him Freddie, story to come), TDJ Live, Brunch at TranquiliT Trunk Show, yoga with pigs, Pugs & Pints, and gum surgery (not recommended)!

Output requires input. When I read the above Anaïs Nin quote, it so resonated. While I’m not sure what the restlessness is about, I’ve felt something brewing, so I’ve made plans to set out on a weeklong Artist Date in Paris to explore it. Finding a $450 flight sealed the deal!

Booking a flight to Paris is not a requirement for exploring restlessness, it can also be done through journaling, local Artist Dates, time with friends, therapy, and more, of course.

Yet, when I realized my travel this year had been work related, I thought a solo jaunt with no itinerary may be just what the doctor ordered—especially with a ticket price like that!

I’m offering one more experience before I curl up into replenishment mode, Writing Salon—a 2.5-hour in-person workshop to nurture your inner writer. This happens next Saturday in case you’d like to join.

In the interim, I’ll be feeding my restlessness with a Humane Rescue Alliance black tie event with the pups, ballet classes, and listening to Eve Ensler and Anne Lamott. Wishing you a joyful weekend filled with input and a dash of output. Bisous. x