May in Review + Resources

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Give me books, French wine, fruit, fine weather and a little music played out of doors by somebody I do not know.—Keats

May in Review

That Keats quote always makes me think of summer and the start of June tends to symbolize its launch {despite the official date being June 21}, so here we are. Happy June {aka birthday month}!

May’s Year of Tranquility focus was minimalism. Returning to some of the basics—single tasking, decluttering, simplification, essentialism, intentional time, money and energy usage—has left me in deep reflection and review. While it isn’t always {okay, ever} particularly comfortable, it IS necessary.

My wish for May was “spending time with more pink blooms, learning, and writing.” And that happened, along with much more.

May’s experiences included reading Unprocessed and The Year of Less, attending a workshop on small farm budgeting, picking peonies at a flower farm, studying writing as a tool for healing at Duke and through an online Journal Therapy program, wandering Duke’s gardens, starting a new journal, collaborating with therapy and mentoring clients, taking 10 ballet classes, losing a dear aunt, hiking and picnicking on Mother’s Day, watching the ballet Giselle under the stars with a friend, surviving a few migraines, fast walking a 5k, sipping numerous matcha lattes, noshing on pounds of cauliflower wings, releasing two podcasts, celebrating a friend’s birthday over brunch, meeting Jamia Wilson at her book event, reconnecting with memoir writing, creating and shipping care packages for Penning in Paris retreaters, listening to Pamela Druckerman read from her new book There Are No Grown-Ups, and being a guest on Victoria Moran’s podcast. 

May offered many opportunities to slow down and savor in a way that felt foreign. Wondering what to do on a weekend day or a few free hours is uncomfortable, new, and oddly liberating all at once.

We’ll be traveling nearly half of June with a jaunt to Texas and 10 days in Utah for the Best Friend’s conference, so I’m looking forward to carrying my simply joys with me to help stay grounded. May we appreciate the playfulness and lightness that is summertime’s promise.

June Wish List

Learn lots at Best Friend’s “How to Start an Animal Sanctuary” weeklong conference
Celebrate the life of my aunt at next week’s memorial service in Texas
Take 10 ballet classes
Create summer reading list {+ share}
Update my personal Year of Tranquility journal {used to track weekly practices}
Read two books
Host inspiring Tranquility du Jour Live {you’re joining us, right?!}
Savor Hamilton at the Kennedy Center
Have a tranquility-filled birthday
Fill my home with peonies
Nurture my patio garden
Host inspiring Wellness Module for Year of Tranquility
Release two inspiring podcasts
Complete more modules of my online Journal Therapy and Vet Social Work programs
Collaborate with mentoring and therapy clients
Host inspiring Yoga + the Animals event for Pigs & Pugs Project

Savvy Sources

You Can Improve Your Life with Books
Asking Yourself This Simple Question Will Make You Happier
Why I Decided to Go Vegan
10 Summer Reads to Add to Your Beach Bag
How To Journal Through Your Struggles
Writing Is A Journey
10 Yoga Poses for Travelers
The Practice of Forest Bathing
9 Ways to Start a More Minimalist Lifestyle
How to Host a Vegan Brunch