Month in Review

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Sometimes, you have to look back in order to understand the things that lie ahead.—Yvonne Woon

Month in Review

Although I’m taking some space from regular blogging, I wanted to share May’s highlights coupled with Savvy Sources.

May was a sweet month filled with assorted joys—spending a winery day with my parents, attending the Taos writing workshop, sipping tea at Laduree, hearing Thievery Corporation accompanied by an orchestra at The Kennedy Center, watching the live stream as Anita Krajnc was found not guilty, attending and hosting celebrations for a friend who wrote the Hemingway spy book, enjoying a dinner in honor of four teachers’ 15-year anniversary at Tranquil Space, doing a session with my writing teacher, getting studios “springified,” collaborating with clients, spending time in my art journal, hosting the Art + Yoga retreat in West Virginia, eating outside, playing with peonies, and the tiny moments in between.

What are some of your May highlights?

New Month Wish List

Host inspiring Yoga + the Animals
Celebrate 44th birthday in the country
Savor time with Mom and Dad
Finish two books
Consume less sugar
Prepare for launch of Vet Social Work + Memoir Writing courses in July
Announce Tranquil Space Foundation’s new program: Pigs & Pugs Project
Host inspiring Writing Lab
Release two podcasts
Get 8-week Tranquil Teens program edits to graphic designer
Enjoy show at The Kennedy Center

What’s on your June wish list?

Savvy Sources

10 Trips You Should Take in Your Lifetime
Dani Shapiro on Finding the Quiet Within
The Simple Action You Can Take Right Now to Change Your Life. All You Need is a Pen.
How to Cook Healthy with More Ease
The Case for Eliminating Sugar. All of It.
126 Dog Meat Restaurants in China are Closed Thanks to Activists
How Showing Compassion For Animals Can Improve Your Health
The Writer’s Process
The Pig Trial Is Not Over
Activist Who Gave Water to Pigs is Found Not Guilty of a Crime
How to Add Summer Fruits and Veggies to Your Dog’s Diet
Simplicity, Productivity, and the Personal Uniform
13 Things You Can Do to Reduce Stress

Wishing you a beautiful weekend filled with a deep exhale. Bisous. x