Month in Review

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March in Review

Looking through these photos, I was surprised to see that March was filled with such varied adventures. Isn’t that often the case when you review a larger chunk versus a few days? I’m like, “Wow, what a month!”

March included taking in Washington Ballet’s “Sleeping Beauty” performance, attending four days of a therapy conference, hosting the Online Book Launch Fete and Spring TDJ Live, playing in Colorado, taking a hand lettering class (why is it so hard?), collaborating with clients, taking 9 ballet classes, releasing 4 podcasts and 3 love notes, reading Lightly and Girl, Stop Apologizing, releasing the spring TranquiliT collection, hiring a consultant to deepen my client work, seeing Gretchen Rubin discuss her new book Outer Order, Inner Calm, singing along at a Krishna Das kirtan, creating three new TranquiliT videos, savoring a weekend in West Virginia, making Pigs & Pugs Project micro-grants, finding a charity for our camper, Miss Lillie, going on dozens of walks with the pups, chatting with my accountant in prep for taxes, releasing the TDJ Soiree tickets and finalizing all the details at Elizabeth’s.

On the plane back from Colorado I read through my March Dreams and was able to check nearly 70% of them off. Not too bad considering some are definitely more longer-term plans. Those have already been penned into April. And they may make it to May or beyond. It’s okay!

As I look at April’s overarching theme, I see a wish for shifts: to create more spaciousness in my schedule (less phone time) and in my home (more deep cleans/donations). It’s all a work in progress and taking the time monthly to pause, reflect, and dream helps keep me connected to the bigger picture.

If you haven’t done it yet, pull out your Year of Tranquility, planner, or journal and consider your April or spring dreams. I’m rooting for you! Bisous. x

April Dreams

Decrease daily phone usage to 1-2 hours
12 ballet classes
Strong showing at Pigs, Pugs & Pinot
Complete taxes
Finalize Daybook
Open up space at home
Finalize Spring/Summer TranquiliT Lookbook
Reorganize schedule for efficiency
Donate camper
Finish Veterinary Social Work module
Read two books
Release 2-4 podcasts and 2-4 Love Notes
Learn lots at continuing education classes

Savvy Sources

Why You Should Stop Striving For Work/Life Balance
Spring Wellness Essentials
4 Steps To Stop Overindulging
5 Things I Learned From My Therapist About Anxiety
Eileen Fisher is Turning Old Clothes Into Art
Vegan Guide to Easter Eggs
The Shortness of Life: Seneca on Busyness and the Art of Living Wide Rather Than Long