October in Review

love notes
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Hello love! Monthly I do a review of the month and also create my next month’s dreams. This reflection exercise allows me to stay accountable, review goals, celebrate, and note what needs adjustment. I duplicate this process in my Daybook, too, since I’m a paper lover! You’ll also find an assortment of photos from the month plus Savvy Sources I thought you may enjoy. Bisous. x

October in Review

Learn lots at next week’s Veterinary Social Work conference [DONE]
Daily ballet classes [29 OUT OF 31]
Fill in ballet journal (noting experience post-class) [SOMETIMES]
Attend October 17 Women’s March [DONE]
Host inspiring five-week ecourse [DOING]
Release four love notes and four podcasts [DONE]
Collaborate with clients [DONE]
Weekly creative time/space [DONE]
Transition TranquiliT to TDJ site [DONE]
Daily meditation and reading [SOMETIMES]

October Highlights

Walking in the woods with Mookie on a leash and Gizmo in a sling (see above photo)
Saturday jaunts to Shepherdstown, WV
Many virtual ballet classes (see above photo)
Attending the Women’s March (see above photo)
Dressing up for Halloween pics (see above photo)
Getting dressed up for dinner with a friend (see top photo)
Tea dates with friends
Releasing the TDJ Lifestyle ecourse (thanks to all who are joining us!)
Taking the veterinary social work oath
Hosting the TDJ Pop-Up event
Sitting fireside with Tim and the pups
Soaking in the tub with Epsom salts
Reading Notorious RBG
Filling out my mail in ballot and voting for compassion
Sipping many matcha lattes
Learning at an all-day CBT workshop
Seeing Degas at the Opera (last time was in Paris)
Savoring the fall foliage
Attending a five-day veterinary social work summit
Spending Thursday evenings making calls to South Carolina for the Women’s March

November Wish List

Fun wrap-up of TDJ Lifestyle ecourse
Read 2-3 books including TDJ book club pick
Eat plants daily
Fill in ballet journal after classes
Daily ballet (I’m obsessed!)
Finalize vet social work 250-hour project plans
Release 5 podcasts and love notes
Get ahead on content creation
Design a new TDJ postcard
Collaborate with clients
Ponder 2021 offering (any requests?!)
Celebrate Biden’s win
Create dress-up ideas using TDJ clothing
Host helpful virtual pet loss support group on 11/9 (join us!)

Savvy Sources

23 Plant-Based Recipes for Thanksgiving
Zero Waste Swap Ideas
Be Your Own Chief Well-Being Officer
5 Ways to Slow Down
How to Make Space for Difficult Emotions
5 Tricks, 5 Years Better
Balanced Ballerinas Blog
Dolly Parton documentary (so fun!)
Social Media Behavior Harmful to Well-Being
American Fashion During the Pandemic
The Girlboss Guide to Now
Wellness Guide to your 40s