September in Review

love notes
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Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.—Albert Camus

Month in Review

First off, sending so much love to Las Vegas, Florida, Puerto Rico, Houston, and beyond. I’ve linked to various ways we can offer support right now. What a tough few weeks it’s been across the U.S. and the islands! Please take good care of yourself and share what you can with the many who are suffering right now.

The transition from summer to fall has always been my favorite. While I like the sunshine and activity of summertime, I adore the slower pace and reflective nature of fall. I guess as a highly sensitive introvert, it simply fits me better.

September brought an excursion to the National Arboretum, a dog-friendly winery, and two weekend trips to celebrate Tim’s birthday in Montreal and to attend a writing workshop near San Francisco. During the San Francisco trip, I hit City Lights Bookstore and Vesuvio cafe—two literary hot spots of the Beat Generation. I also did a tour of the Beat Museum and picked up a tee with a vintage Underwood typewriter on it. I have my Gramma’s vintage Underwood so it made me smile!

Saturday Tim and I attended a yoga with the pigs and volunteer event at Whispering Rise Sanctuary where we cleaned out six huts’ old straw and replaced it with broken up bales of fresh straw. You’ll see the photos toward the bottom. The last pic is me trying to lure a senior potbelly out of the hut so we could clean it. He was having none of it.

Since the transition of Tranquil Space to YogaWorks, I get a lot of questions about how I feel or what I’m doing now. I don’t feel like I’ve yet settled into the “new normal,” but I sense a shift on the horizon. Honestly, I still don’t have a good answer to the first question and I’m becoming more okay with that. Maybe I don’t need to have the answers, especially when I’m living it. Those will, hopefully, come later.

This makes me think of Rilke:

Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books that are now written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer.

Wishing you a glorious, colorful October filled with living the questions. Bisous. x

September Blog/Podcast Wrap Up

Transitions Podcast
Scenes from Tranquil Space’s Team Thank You Soiree
Everyday Tranquility
Creating with Purpose and Saving the Elephants Podcast
Daybook + Playbook Pre-Sale

October Wish List

Release two podcasts
Host inspiring luncheon talk at Shape Soiree
Collaborate with clients
Read, write, and practice yoga daily
Write 5,000 words of memoir
Tea dates with friends
Dive into Veterinary Social Work curriculum
Spend a full day in declutter mode
Host inspiring Writing in the Woods retreat
Start Certificate in Positive Psychology course
Picnic with friend for Opera Outside
Visit the Renoir and Friends exhibit

Savvy Sources

What I’ve Learned (and Unlearned) About ‘French Girl Style’
End Factory Farming Podcast
Cheryl Strayed is Fed Up with Memoir Bashing
8 Budget-Friendly Ways to Update Your Space
World’s Best Bookstores
Introverts Don’t Hate People, They Hate Shallow Socializing
Do You Want to Be Known For Your Writing, or Your Swift Email Responses?
A 5-minute Mindfulness Practice
James Baldwin’s Advice on Writing
Aimless Walking Meditation
I Went Vegan Like Beyonce: Here’s What Happened
The Transformative Power of Writing
The One Less Straw Pledge