week in review

love notes
Get my 15 simple practices to help you prioritize self-care. Download your “Tranquility in the Everyday workbook."





 my new pink twinkle lights over new work space
week in review
hosted art + yoga spring weekend retreat in the woods
hung new pink twinkle lights chez moi
shipped TranquiliT orders
taught 3 yoga classes at studio
took 1 yoga class
1 gym jaunt
met with numbers consultant
reserved cabin for tranquility summer camp (july 19-22)
savored a deep tissue massage
co-taught tranquil teens program
sewing class o’ vintage slips
call with mum
paris + provence prep
paid taxes
cuddles with sir louis
hot baths filled with lush products
vision board info to creativity circle
love note to tranquilologie subscribers re: facebook group
survived very challenging 13-hour work day
doga set up through washington humane society
prep for tonight’s lunafest = come, come, come
asked to speak at may 15 eco-women event
pulled together donation forms for pigs 20th anniversary dc fete
hosted manager meeting
finished grieving mindfully and highly recommend
individual team meetings/calls
hike up tiny mountain behind le beau’s cabin
2 MSW classes
MSW presentation
follow up love note to weekend retreaters
posted heaps of lunafest love + giveaway
walks in the woods
watched the september issue and breakfast at tiffany’s
work in my sketchbook
sent book to former assistant
sent TranquiliT earth day e-blast
prep for trunk shows in arlington and richmond
 weekend wishlist
welcome tranquil space foundation lunafest supporters
enjoy inspiring lunafest films
host inspiring workshop at om on yoga in richmond
savor restorative yoga in arlington
fun trunk shows in arlington and richmond
finish final MSW paper of semester
brunch date with le beau
et toi? what’s on your weekend wishlist?
bisous. x

Kimberly Wilson

Starting Ballet in Midlife

Kimberly Wilson         Kimberly Wilson        
Starting Ballet in Midlife           Starting Ballet in Midlife          
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