week in review

love notes
Get my 15 simple practices to help you prioritize self-care. Download your “Tranquility in the Everyday workbook."





yoga time
spring tranquilosophy podcast petals by deb
 le pug fireside at arlington studio
week in review
took 2 yoga classes
took 1 barre class
taught 4 yoga classes
traveled to and from nyc for final memoir writing class
met with agent in nyc
vet appointment for le pug
picked up spring pansies for studio and chez moi
 social work supervision and meetings
assisted with studio set up for open house
spring cleaned chez moi
psychotherapy conference workshops
released podcast with dr. kelly edmonds on e-learning
interviewed for creativity bonfire
reviewed 2014 travels and trainings
 finished cyndi lee’s memoir, may i be happy
consumed heaps of animal crackers and subway veggie delights
shipped daybooks, books, and TranquiliT orders
strategic planning session with girlfriend
rooming list efforts for upcoming costa rica retreat
weekend wish list
safe travel to and from the woods
massage creaky neck and shoulders
pen april dreams
release podcast with jennifer l. scott
tea date with mary catherine
work on tranquility du jour anthology
pen love notes
work on tranquil space newsletter muse
et toi? what’s on your weekend wish list?
bisous. x