week in review

love notes
Get my 15 simple practices to help you prioritize self-care. Download your “Tranquility in the Everyday workbook."





pretty in pink
le pug’s “i want a treat for this” look at the vet
the challenge with my home practice

week in review
 taught 4 classes
took 3 classes
biked 3 miles
acupuncture session
writing group gathering
worked at the women’s center
call with writing coach
mindful leadership summit
social work supervision
vegan dessert and tea meet-up 
call with teacher director
prepped agenda for directors’ meeting
le pug to vet 
calls and coordination with anthology printer
sent online book launch invite to anthology pre-orders
sent love note to subscribers
feedback to web designer
daybook edits to designer
organized my work space
read life purpose book camp for interview with eric maisel
penned heaps of thank you notes
scheduled directors’ holiday brunch at founding farmers
sipped heaps of green tea
sent confirms to spring art + yoga retreaters (4 spots left)
many soaks in the tub
consumed heaps of veggie chilli
weekend wish list
host productive directors’ meeting
host inspiring interview with eric maisel
host inspiring 3-hour mindfulness workshop
host inspiring 3-hour mindfulness teacher training session
host friend and her pup for tea
prep packages for mailing anthology
regroup and rest
et toi? what’s on your weekend wish list?
bisous. x