Week in Review

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11123824_1426181664360466_824148657_nA tea time moment for moi

11055872_1576319959284829_1020543540_n-1Washi tape organization efforts

11098309_1429497164011619_1902359858_nYet another beautiful statue spotted in DC

11111259_1533113786935412_1560632490_nLe Pug getting needled

10561067_1432649687029295_1845284284_nThis frozen yogurt cone didn’t stand a chance

Week in Review

Taught 2 yoga classes
Biked 9 miles
Took 1 yoga class
Saw 17 beautiful therapy clients
Met with holistic vet {note above acupuncture pic}
Studied Dialectical Behavioral Therapy at a conference
Met with therapist
Released Podcast #334 featuring Paris To Go
Tea chat with art therapist, Amy Tatsumi {doll!}
Penned April Dreams in my mind and Daybook
Taught 3-hour Mindfulness course
Connected with perfume teacher in Paris
Endured a 4-hour IKEA run = overstimulation
Continued detox {complete with unapproved donuts}
Date night with Le Beau
Met with social work supervisor
Survived three more of Le Pug’s seizures
Strategic planning session
Organized mounds of paperwork
Reached out to agent
Watched Going Clear documentary
Had green juice with friend
Savored daily green juices
Coordinated more edits to Tranquilologie softcover {releasing in 2 weeks}
Added sample chapter of Anthology for download
Penned and released Week 13 of 52 Weeks of Tranquility

Weekend Wish List

Safe travels to and from Shenandoah National Park
No seizures for Le Pug
Fun family hikes
Savor Easter brunch

Et toi? What’s on your weekend wish list? Bisous. x