Week in Review

love notes
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11184639_380764505442609_1355927120_nour weekend altar

11190060_842825209130915_872517893_nmacarons, mason jars with striped straws, doilies, and pink fleurs

11189157_852497591507947_808041128_nbunting, flowers, pom poms, candles, and twinkle lights on screened porch

11190268_1637698739797869_859560001_nmay dreams

11176519_711476932294855_738202011_nwriting prompts

11193200_695770260545514_701162889_nretreaters’ cabin

11184537_1036986866329767_1796266847_ntim helping fluff pom poms as i lost patience

11184734_756892984427383_2075506402_nour beautiful retreaters

11195738_691132524325159_1093190509_nlouis’ memorial garden stone

11203396_1564860733738717_1080780644_nlove notes of gratitude

11251178_1568980580029479_2132792454_nmid-week date night

Week in Review

Decorated Tim’s cabin with pom poms, bunting, twinkle lights, pink fleurs
Hosted Art + Yoga weekend retreat in West Virginia
Undecorated Tim’s cabin
Went on an evening drive in the country to ease aching soul
Stopped at Panorama at the Peak for dinner
Penned Week 18 of 52 Weeks of Tranquility
Sent Love Note to mailing list
Finalized TranquiliT Lookbook with designer
Soaked in the tub
Savored many green juices
Call with Teacher Director
Meetings with seamstress
Call with mentor
Taught mindfulness class
Taught yoga class
Hosted a mentoring session
Place Louis’ stone into his memorial garden
Finished The Art of Stillness
Set up a few podcast interviews
Met with therapist
Met with clients at The Women’s Center
Closed survey to review results {BIG thanks to the 174 of you who took time to respond}
Savored wine with Tim in patio garden
Date night at The Kennedy Center to see Alice in Wonderland ballet
Penned notes of gratitude
Strategic planning session
Met with photographer for TranquiliT capsule shoot
Attended an-all day social work workshop
Interview with Mid-Atlantic Pug Rescue
Shed many tears over losing Louis
Read this helpful article re: loss of beloved pets {thanks Anne}
Came across this cool tool: Five-Minute Journal {thanks Carol}
Savored yoga + meditation most mornings {yay morning routine}

Weekend Wish List

Savor brunch with girlfriend
Gaze out window during train travel to and from NYC
Delight in high tea at The Plaza {have wanted to do this for years!}
Indulge in An American in Paris on Broadway
Spend Sunday afternoon reading in Central Park
Launch new TranquiliT website

Et toi? What’s on your weekend wish list? Bisous. x