Week in Review

love notes
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Week in Review

Brunched with girlfriend
Volunteered at Hospice
Dinner date with Tim
Tea date with girlfriend
Call with Teacher Director
Hosted Summer Seasonal Podcast
Soaked in the tub with almond oil
Penned Week 25 of 52 Weeks of Tranquility: Eat Your Veggies
Sent weekly Love Note to subscribers
Hosted giveaway {congrats Michelle!}
Tallied top 4 color choices and ordered swatches {thanks for voting!}
Released podcast #340 with Shannon Ables on Simply Luxurious Living
Interviewed two ladies for the podcast
Followed up with pug rescues
Savored daily green juices
Set up podcast with Laura Vanderkam {author on online book club pick}
Chose I Know How She Does It for summer online book club
Purchased What French Women Know, I Know How She Does It, and Scrum
Met with beautiful clients at The Women’s Center
Celebrated the Supreme Court’s ruling on marriage equality
Hosted a mentoring session
Met with therapist
Joined peer supervision therapist group
Met with social work supervisor
Took 3 yummy yoga classes
Shared Tranquil Space Arlington’s new look {see above pic}
Savored 13-year celebration dinner with senior Tranquil Space teachers

Weekend Wish List

Order parfum supplies
Soak in the tub
Savor a foot massage
Meet with writing group
Volunteer at Hospice
Brunch with girlfriend
Read more of Full Catastrophe Living
Start Write a Memoir in 30 Days
Listen to rain
Begin writing microcourse

Et toi? What’s on your weekend wish list? Bisous. x