Week in Review

love notes
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11336185_478304055672045_1831959445_nBaked strawberry cupcakes {with lots of help from Tim}

11334484_414992878684978_908652582_nPenned July Dreams  into Daybook

11374647_914154028625746_793558994_nBegan reading How to Write a Memoir in 30 Days

11417444_871884472906050_1805566899_nReceived birthday peonies from Tim

Week in Review

Read Anne Cushman’s great piece on 6 Steps to Establish a Daily Practice
Signed up for a 5-day writing workshop
Saw clients at The Women’s Center
Penned my July dreams
Posted my overall goals across an armoire with pink Post-Its
Baked pink cupcakes
Hosted a TranquiliT birthday sale
Penned Tranquilosophy: Write {Week 26 of 52 Weeks of Tranquility}
Shared My Paris video
Tons of coordination with pug rescues
Set up appointments with two rescue pugs in Oklahoma
Shared piece in Tranquil Space newsletter
Conducted three podcast interviews
Sat at cafe to write for a few hours
Turned 42 and felt like a queen {thanks for your kindness}
Penned thank you notes
Savored a hot stone massage
Purchased The Tools
Met with printer regarding Daybook 4.0
Created and sent Love Note
Coordinated Costa Rica 2016 {date TBA}
Opened registration for Penning in Paris 2016
Coordinated orders with seamstress
Met with therapist
Attended peer group supervision
Volunteered at Hospice
Met with writing group
Started Write Your Memoir in 30 Days
Brunched with girlfriend
Shared sweet pig video
Consumed many green juices {and much salt water taffy}
Found hiding place of said salt water taffy {yes, I’d requested it to be hidden}
Opened birthday gifts with glee {I got a pink pig watering can!}

Weekend Wish List

Volunteer at Hospice
Order parfum making supplies
Read Full Catastrophe Living
Dinner and Audrey Hepburn exhibit with girlfriend
Physical therapy session for broken wings {shoulders}
Package TranquiliT orders

Et toi? What’s on your weekend wish list? Bisous. x