Week in Review

love notes
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Week in Review

Taught mindfulness class
Volunteered at Hospice
Penned with writing group at Tabard Inn
Brainstormed new programming at Tranquil Space Foundation meeting
Penned Week 30 of 52 Weeks of Tranquility: Practice Acceptance
Worked with beautiful clients at The Women’s Center
Took three yoga classes
Fell more in love with Mookie
Savored dinner + vino with a girlfriend
Date night with Tim
Hosted a mentoring session
Calendared a few VIP Days in DC, Portland + Paris
Finalized 5-week Befriending Stress + Anxiety series
Scheduled New Year’s Eve Mini-Retreat
Scheduled spring 2016 MBSR session at Tranquil Space
Crafted August’s dreams
Purchased online Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy course
Met with therapist
Sent Writing in the Woods confirmations
Reviewed Tranquil Space August newsletter
Requested input into Daybook 4.0
Set fall TranquiliT shoot
Attended Animal Rights Conference
Mourned the insidious killing of Cecil the Lion
Ordered perfume oil supplies
Purchased A Clinician’s Guide to Teaching Mindfulness, The Happiness Trap, The Feeling Good Handbook, The Tools, The Modern Library Writer’s Workshop, You Are a Writer
Sat outside in rainstorm {under big umbrella} to outline next 30 weeks of 52 Weeks of Tranquility
Penned thank you notes
Survived first Mookie training session
Reached out to designer to begin new project

Weekend Wish List

Safe travels to Kripalu for Creative Writing Program
Jazz night with friends
Brunch with friends
Animal Rights conference
Mookie training session

Et toi? What’s on your weekend wish list? Bisous. x