Week in Review
Released Tranquillité Parfum {see top pic}
Volunteered at Hospice
Took 3 yoga classes
Hired a Studio Director
Worked with designer on Daybook 4.0
Prepped for TranquiliT photoshoot
Met with clients at The Women’s Center
Released Podcast #348: Mindful Self-Care
Penned Week 36 of 52 Weeks of Tranquility
Celebrated Tim’s birthday
Met with therapist
Sent Daybook 4.0 draft to reviewers
Saw Brene Brown speak
Met with supervisor
Conducted 3 podcast interviews
Biked 12 miles
Got a yummy foot massage
Was grumpy
Attended peer supervision group
Put Jackson’s scratching post out on the sidewalk {see above pic}
Savvy Sources
Must-see exhibit in DC
Virginia Woolf on why she became a writer
Great artists write
Why are we so distracted all the time?
Weekend Wish List
Savor Madonna in concert
Co-host inspiring charity workshop tonight
Smooth TranquiliT photo shoot
Sub yoga class
Co-host fun farewell fete
Take yoga
Et toi? What’s on your weekend wish list? Bisous. x