Week in Review

love notes
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Week in Review

I’m sitting at my desk overlooking a patio garden with a purring cat on my lap and pot of tea next to the computer. Sounds tranquil, yet piles of books, confetti, and paperwork are closing in on me—taxes to prepare, packets to create, study materials, books to read, mail to open, papers to file.

It’s that time of the year. There’s a social work licensing exam to take, gold and pink patterned Daybook packets to be stuffed, tax documents to pull together for my accountant, and projects to complete. So much stuff oozing into my sacred work space and creating a sense of urgency.

Earlier this week, instead of working on these to-dos, I pulled everything out of my closet and did a big overhaul. My seamstress is usually the beneficiary of these deep cleans—a chandelier, room-sized leopard-print rug, never used exercise balls, dozens of vintage slips, a large silver bag made of recycled wrappers, no-longer-wearing pieces of clothing. Although my feet and back usually ache after these escapades, I feel lighter creating space and sending items off to a new good home. Now to conquer this desk.

This week I collaborated with clients, hosted Tranquility du Jour Live (replay available for $10), held two mentoring sessions, organized, heard Scotlund speak at Politics & Prose, savored brunch with a friend, sat outside with the family to read, practiced yoga, taught mindfulness, did doga with Mookie, got a mani and pedi, collaborated on new studio tee designs, released a podcast, sent a Love Note, and wrote in my Moleskine.

During last night’s Tranquility du Jour Live gathering, many participants shared intentions around simplifying and slowing down. This idea aligns with what we observe in nature. A shedding, a softening, a retreating within. This season urges me to hit the pause button with so many tempting alternatives. Bake vegan pumpkin scones. Build a fire. Hike through a forest of red and yellow leaves. Go to a pumpkin patch. Sit around a campfire.

Wishing you a chance to step into a state of human being this fall. Even as the paperwork and projects piles up. May our moments matter beyond checking to-dos off our lists. Bisous. x

Pics in Review

  1. Photos found on social media from last night’s TDJ Live {@sonjawithaj, @shizukat, @ludidryu, Lacey}
  2. Read Flow outside with Mookie
  3. Tried out a possible way to do long walks with Belle
  4. Loved hearing Scotlund Haisley of Animal Rescue Corps speak about his new book, Compassion in Action

Savvy Sources

5 Rules for Hosting a Crappy Dinner Party {+ Seeing Friends More Often}
8 Ways You Can Survive–And Thrive–In Midlife
How to Be a Good Citizen
21 Ways to Simplify Your Life
Hygge: 8 Ways to Embrace the Danish Lifestyle Concept
10 Tips on How to Be a Writer by Rebecca Solnit
20 Things to Do This Fall
Mini Vegan Pumpkin Pie TartsHomemade Pumpkin Spice Latte

Weekend Wish List

Learn lots at Writing a Spiritual Autobiography workshop
Learn lots at Trauma-Informed Facilitation workshop
Do yoga
Savor VegFest with the family
Reconnect over dinner date with a friend
Start stuffing treats into Daybook pre-sale packages
Write essays
Finish Compassion in Action
Study, study, study

