Week in Review

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Week in Review

Happy 2017! We did it. We survived 2016. It’s a brand new year and a daily—actually moment-to-moment—chance to begin again. While I’m still sussing out the vibe of the new year, I’m enjoying the rhythm so far. Probably because it started with a toast of bubbly at midnight followed by a few days in New York doing yoga and noshing on vegan food with friends.

Upon return to DC Tuesday night, I settled in front of the computer and gathered my Daybook to organize the week. I set my MITs (most important tasks), outlined my projects (various hats: studio, therapist, writing, clothing line, etc.), and listed my to-dos. This is usually a Sunday night task, but I left it all at home so that I could enjoy a few days sans planning in New York.

This week I collaborated with clients, took two 2.5-hour Jivamukti yoga classes, reconnected with friends from Montreal, had tea and discussed writing goals with a friend, got my various licensing numbers, did product inventory (books, clothing, CDs) for my accountant, penned and mailed thank yous, browsed Barnes & Noble and Strand bookstores, signed up for a 10-day detox starting January 23, chatted with a University of Tennessee’s Veterinary Social Work staff member about next steps for my certificate, penned a piece for the January Tranquil Space newsletter, met with a friend for lunch, penned my writing goals, saw Yasiin Bey (formerly Mos Def) at The Kennedy Center, saw Manchester by the Sea, hosted a Facebook Live event, hosted a min-retreat at Tranquil Space, enjoyed Amtrak travel to and from New York, and soaked up the sun while sitting outside for brunch on New Year’s Day with Tim and Belle.

While browsing journals in Barnes & Noble, I came across this one with an Oscar Wilde quote, “With freedom, books, flowers, and the moon, who could not be happy?” After reading through my 2017 dreams, I came up with freedom as my word of the year. Coming across this journal seemed synchronistic. Although I didn’t buy it (I have so many beautiful blank ones awaiting attention), its message speaks volumes.

What would it take to appreciate more of our lives? Today I’m practicing by watching the snow fall. Bisous. x

Pics in Review

  1. Belle on Amtrak
  2. Morning yoga with a space heater
  3. New Year’s Eve at The Kennedy Center
  4. New Year’s Eve toast
  5. Union Station
  6. A quote to inspire
  7. An ad that won my heart
  8. My beloveds

Savvy Sources

How to try hygge
9 strategies therapists use to help people keep their goals
Crushing article on the handling of a wildlife situation

Will you be choosing happiness or meaningfulness?
3 ways to introduce mindful eating
11 wellness trends to watch in 2017
Resources for the January 21 Women’s March on Washington
10 reasons why Buddhism will enrich your path
21 changes to make your 2017 even better
The year of conquering negative thinking
How to make 2017 the year you read more books
3 subtle subconscious ways we procrastinate
52 key learnings in 52 weeks
SeaWorld’s Tilikum (star of Blackfish) dies
How to sew a weighted blanket

Weekend Wish List

Watch snow fall
Tea dates with friends
Browse bookstore
Write 15-page piece
Organize chez moi
Soak in the tub
See Wicked




