Week in Review

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Week in Review

Sunday evenings you’ll often find me hovered over my Daybook with a pink pen and cuppa tea. I review items in the week’s to-dos that didn’t get checked off, determine if they’re still relevant, and, if so, add them into the next week. I do the same with my projects. It’s a ritual that takes 15 minutes and deep focus.

Since last week was all about prepping for yesterday’s Virtual Retreat, most of the projects penned last Sunday are still awaiting attention and will be carried over into next week.

It’s okay because my MITs (Most Important Tasks) were completed, I loved hosting yesterday’s daylong online event, and even finished a book (a rarity considering my read-too-many-books-at-a-time habit).

Sundays tend to be my come-to-Jesus moment as I review the week, note the week’s gratitude, and set an intention plus to-dos for the following. I look forward to this night each week as it helps me regroup and assess energy output for the week.

I’ve become much more aware of my need to balance energy input and output. By doing so, I ensure I’m able to give my all when teaching, sitting with clients, or being a friend. My go-to inputs include sleep, hot baths, whole foods (and dark chocolate with pink Himalayan salt), reading, writing, aromatherapy, yoga, meditation, clearing clutter, and art journaling.

As you sit down to prepare for the week ahead, consider the infusion of inputs into your days. My hope is that you’ll find this to be a helpful antidote to counteract the week’s busyness. For me, it’s been a godsend. Bisous. x

This week I prepped and hosted a six-hour virtual retreat focused on slowing down, collaborated with clients, protested bear pits and roadside zoos, practiced yoga, taught mindfulness, finalized the TranquiliT spring look book, launched the new TranquiliT website, finished New Slow City and eagerly updated my Goodreads Reading Challenge,  walked in the woods, watched Pride & Prejudice, interviewed Frances Schultz and Jennifer Schelter for the podcast, released a podcast featuring me and Tim on our detox one month later, sent a Love Note, penned a piece on creative play, and picked up spring tulips and daffodils for home.

Pics in Review

  1. Virtual Retreat set up
  2. Early morning Belle kisses
  3. More Virtual Retreat set up
  4. Belle’s new tutu courtesy of her Gma
  5. Sunday morning
  6. Spring flowers
  7. My new therapy space
  8. PETA protest against bear pits and roadside zoos
  9. Pups obstructing my yoga practice
  10. Red in honor of A Day Without A Woman

Savvy Sources

The Art of Slowing Down in a Museum
Creating Mental and Physical Space to Write
The Art of Easing into Change
Inside Oliver Sack’s Creative Process
How to Be Mindful on the Subway
Why We Can’t Look Away From Our Screens
7 Natural Anxiety Remedies
How to Be Wiser
Jennifer Eagan on Writing
Guy Makes Tiny Hats for Toad
15 Women Who Changed the World Since Last International Women’s Day
Minimalist Carry On Travel Art Supply Kit

Weekend Wish List

Host inspiring six-hour Virtual Retreat
Safe travels to and from the woods
Eat lots of kale chips
Finish New Slow City
Walk in the woods
Family time
Soak in the tub
Watch Pride & Prejudice