Week in Review

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It is spring again. The earth is like a child that knows poems by heart.—Rumi

Week in Review

After this week’s snowfall, it’s hard to imagine that spring is right around the corner.

I’m looking forward to getting my hands dirty in the musty smell of soil as I add pops of color to my tiny patio. I also love those first spring days when sunshine on my bare skin offers the perfect balm to remedy any remaining heaviness from winter.

Light layers, ample daylight, and time outdoors is what delights me about spring. I adore this quote by Keats, “Give me books, French wine, fruit, fine weather and a little music played out of doors by somebody I do not know.” Doesn’t that summarize spring’s seduction?

In anticipation of spring reflection, I’m hosting the seasonal Tranquility du Jour Live online gathering Thursday, March 30 8-9pm ET. It’s a free event if you join live and I’ll highlight eight tips for living with more tranquility this spring. Would love to have you with us! Bisous. x

This week I collaborated with clients, taught mindfulness, took yoga, savored brunch at our favorite dog-friendly spot in WV, spent a day in the woods, attended a studio programming meeting, met with a friend for dinner, submitted writing pieces to Bella Grace, was interviewed for Tim’s biking podcast, recorded three podcast interviews (some goodies forthcoming!), co-hosted the Tranquil Space Foundation board meeting, savored the Toulouse-Lautrec exhibit, attended a book event, enjoyed dinner out with Tim, went on family walks with the pups, read in bed, and soaked in the tub with sweet almond oil.

Pics in Review

  1. Planning
  2. Good reminder spotted in Shepherdstown, WV
  3. Sunday morning
  4. Table set for brunch
  5. Toulouse-Lautrec exhibit at The Phillips Collection with Heather
  6. Nick talking about his new Hemingway book at Politics & Prose
  7. Tea time
  8. Almost time for our next TDJ Live: March 30

Savvy Sources

How to Write What Hurts
Woman Writes the Sweetest Tribute to Her Pig
21 Ways to Feel Better When You’re Stuck in a Rut
How To Make Homemade Soap
50 Ways Happier, Healthier People Live On Their Own Terms
It’s Official: Yoga Helps Depression
How To Write Your Memoir
6 Modern Books for Fans of Pride & Prejudice
Vegan Coconut Almond Macaroons
How To Help Animals

Weekend Wish List

Co-host Tranquil Space Foundation board meeting
Attend friend’s book event at Politics & Prose
See Toulouse-Lautrec exhibit at The Phillips Collection
Organize for upcoming week
Finish Chasing Slow
Prep podcast for Monday release