week in review

love notes
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a sweet spot outside my dorm
 le pug in his newly created biking basket {texted photo made me homesick}

 favorite part of the omega bookstore: writing
 my brief working station at the cafe
garden of herbs, green beans and tomatoes
en route to omega last week
 week in review
travel from dc to rhinebeck, ny
hours of sitting meditation
hours of walking meditation
hours of mindful yoga and body scans
survived 36 hours sans reading, writing, phone, and internet
savored three big organic veg meals each day
read wild mind: living the writer’s life by natalie goldberg
basked in jon kabat-zinn‘s presence
met amazing people with beautiful depth
indulged in three bodywork treatments to nurture injuries
weekend wish list
 safe travels back to dc
regroup in the woods with le beau, le pug + le chat noir
complete heaps of writing class homework
finish online book club pick, the gifts of imperfection
release podcast with jennifer howd of the mindfulness diaries
et toi? what’s on your weekend wish list?
bisous. x