week in review

love notes
Get my 15 simple practices to help you prioritize self-care. Download your “Tranquility in the Everyday workbook."





 lillie’s boudoir
 green juice time
lillie + my sweet pink ride
guess where we are?

week in review
raised $165 for farm sanctuary and $251 for tranquil space foundation at chariTea
attended two days of wisdom 2.0 business conference in nyc
loved hearing from arianna huffington, goldie hawn, congressman tim ryan + more
learned about amazing non-profits teaching mindfulness {will share more info}
packed up + shipped heaps of ephemera love bags for tranquilologie pre-orders
took two yummy yoga classes
crafted and stuffed 40 chariTea goody bags with lots of love
saw documentary with friend
recorded mp3s and shared crafted PDFs for tranquilologie peeps
organized chez moi for matisse’s nanny/pink palace sitter
packed for 2 month adventure
shared video le beau pulled together for the tranquility tour
 safe journey from dc to wv to new york
felt extreme gratitude for tranquilologie + tranquility tour support {merci!}
ongoing efforts to organize sweet lillie {our vintage rv}
lots of green juice
lovely organic dinner with dear friends in new york
took le beau out for birthday dinner
tranquility pop-up prep
weekend wish list
 host inspiring tranquility pop-ups in philly and brooklyn
more lillie organization
et toi? what’s on your weekend wish list?
bisous. x